I am all sorts of annoyed that the weather last night was spectacularly crappy and therefore prevented even a moment’s glimpse of the lunar eclipse. Stupid clouds.
Lance from raceshots.net sent me these two photos from the Surfside Half Marathon on February 9. It was simply a nice gesture since I’ve shot for him before. Despite being my worst half marathon ever, these are some of the better photos of me running that I’ve seen. The first was taken 2-3 miles into the race, and the second is at the finish line.

The pictures are appropriate because I don’t think I will be slowing down for a while. I have so much on my plate over the next two weeks. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to get it all done, but I trust that somehow it will all come together.
Sarah, the eclipse was wonderful in Waycross where Sissy, Papa, and I stood out in his field and watched for an hour or more. I took photos with a 200m lens, but I’m afraid even depressing the shutter caused some blurring. It looked like and orange ping pong ball in the sky when the eclipse was full. I’m thinking ancient man/woman was terrified. I’ll send you some shots when I get home.
You look fast.