- I got to have dinner with my brother Brian on Sunday night! He is in town this week working for an unnamed company. Seriously — he couldn’t tell me who he’s working for this week. He does financial consulting, and he said he couldn’t tell me because it’s a public company, so I can only assume he’s working for someone who’s considering a merger or acquisition or something. How mysterious of him. He’s staying downtown and said he’d be quite busy so I don’t know if I’ll get to see him again, but I’m glad he flew in early on Sunday so we could have dinner. Star Pizza. Mmm.
- The iPod Shuffle got a price cut today — only $49 now. And a new 2GB version is available for $69. This is a great deal for a great little music player. I bought a Shuffle as soon as they came out, and it is the perfect music player for running. It clips onto my shorts (with the built-in clip) and weighs next to nothing.
- The war is over and HD-DVD is officially dead. You can safely buy your Blu-Ray player now. Of course, I don’t have either since I don’t have an HDTV. I know. It’s maybe the only area of technology that I haven’t bought into yet. Gasp!
- I rode just a hair over 45 miles on Sunday with two girls from BAM. We’d planned to go at least 50, but we dead-ended into a dirt road after 22.5 miles due to a wrong turn on my part, so we just decided to head back. I’d planned to add an extra 5 at the end of the ride, but by the time we got back to the cars I was ready to be done. Holy crap, was it windy!! The wind was as bad as I faced during the half ironman last year. We could only maintain about 12 mph going west on 96, but when we turned around to head back, we were crusing at 22 mph without a problem. For once, I didn’t let myself get too down — I just tucked my head down and kept going. We averaged just over 15 mph for the full ride. The only negative thing is that I felt way more beat up after this weekend’s 45 miles than I did after last weekend’s 41 miles. My back and neck were really aching. I’ll blame the wind. Still, I hope I feel a bit better during next weekend’s planned 55-60 miles.
- My graphic design job is sorta, maybe back on. It’s a long story. It still hasn’t all been sorted out yet.
- Three day weekends are awesome.
Our dish receiver has a drive built into it, and for extra storage we have a USB 500GB drive attached.
We’re not big movie watchers other than what’s on PPV though so we may just skip right past blu-ray for now.
Can you say Continental?