Well, we started out here:

And we ended up here:

So I’d call that a successful rendezvous and docking. Who cares what happened in the middle?
If you’d told me on Monday that I’d spend a good half hour of my cert qual coming up with a plan to dock over Russian ground sites, I would have laughed it off as absurd. But that’s what I ended up doing. Even though in the end we didn’t need to use it.
When all was said and done, I honestly did not know how I’d performed. I knew that I’d done my best, but I didn’t know whether that was good enough. But everyone said I did a great job on a crazy sim that took a complete u-turn from the script within an hour of the start.
That was crazy.
Why are we not having post-sim margaritas?
Do you get to drive the space shuttle from the ground or are you the navigator?
Becca — I was at work on Monday until 9:30. My sim last night ended at 10:15 and debrief went until 11:00. Tonight I’m in class until 10 (I’m typing during my break time). Tomorrow I’m in class until 10:00. Friday I can’t really drink because I’m getting up very, very early Saturday to do the Texas Independence Relay.
We’ll do margaritas after my final cert!
Brian — I help the astronauts drive *and* help them navigate.
That’s one cool job.