Those are not my flip flops. I never did like jellies.
Yes, I hit the pool last night for the first time in a few months. Maybe more than a few months, I really can’t remember. As it turns out, I may have gotten a little too complacent and/or overconfident about my swimming abilities. While I was still able to churn out 1650 yards in a decent time of 37:00 (and that includes 3 1-minute breaks), it was harder than I remember. And my arms are a little sore today.
Swimming is the only one of the triathlon sports in which I’m solidly above average. Not the best by any means, but top third. But sadly, no one ever wins a triathlon in the swim anyway — it just doesn’t take up a large enough percentage of the whole race. Because it’s my best and because it matters least, I’m particularly guilty of letting my swimming slide.
No more! Swimming is back on the calendar.
1650 in 37 minutes with only 3 breaks. YEH RIGHT!! I wish!!!!
I am *so* jealous that swimming comes so easily for you. I am super slow and have no endurance. I am totally freaked about trying to do 500 yards w/o stopping!
We need to do a relay. You can swim, I will bike or run (16mph or 9min/mile, you choose) and somebody else can handle the last one.
Seriously, I’m doing the Danskin this year… should be interesting considering I can’t swim