With the writer’s strike still going on, I’ve been watching more cable TV and less of the networks. To be honest, I didn’t really watch much on the networks to begin with (The Office, 30 Rock, and Scrubs are pretty much it), so it actually hasn’t been too big of a change. The only people I really miss are Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and they’re not even on a major network.
There’s much more interesting stuff on cable, and my top 3 channels are Discovery, HGTV, and Comedy Central. How’s that for a spread? For the past few weeks I have been positively glued to the TV on Tuesday nights at 9:00 for Everest on the Discovery Channel. It follows a team of climbers trying to summit the world’s tallest mountain; this is the second year of the show. The reality drama/documentary is positively heart-stopping. I know, I know, I could Tivo it and watch it later — but I can’t wait! I must watch it as soon as I can! Even with commercials!
I used to want to climb Everest, but while I would still love to be able to see the view from the top, the sane part of my mind has realized that I do not want to climb the mountain. It must be like running about 20 marathons back-to-back while breathing through a straw. No thank you. Yet I’m still fascinated by the people who do take on the challenge and the high risk of death simply to say they’ve stood on top of the world.
Back down here at sea level, I did another speedwork session tonight in the humid soup that is this weather. A 1-mile warmup followed by 6×400 with 2 minutes recovery, and a 1-mile cooldown. I had to do the recovery by time since the trail I ran on only has markings every quarter mile. To make do, I walked out for a minute and back for a minute before continuing to the next quarter mile mark. Prior to the workout, I thought about upping the number to 8×400, but by number 5 I was ready to collapse. I pushed through to finish my original goal of six and called that good enough. Each repeat was between 2:05 and 2:08 so I managed to stay pretty darn consistent. The 3rd one was the fastest, and the 5th one was the slowest.
After running in the soup, I cannot wait for cooler temperatures.
The hubby and I have been recording Everest. I’m hoping to watch it during the winter break!
“Gimme a break, man, I broke my hand!”
Jen and I couldn’t believe it.
Gavin — I know! I watched the whole show with my jaw dropped.
Yeah! I was so sure he was going to fall off the mountain coming down! We were debating at what point the guide actually believed him that it was really broken. It also wasn’t clear if they really told Russ about it – might be a little surprise when they come down.