I got a Christmas tree today. A real one. It’s the first time I’ve ever had a real Christmas tree in my apartment.
But it’s not what you probably picture. It’s only about 3 feet tall, as if someone simply lopped off the tip top of a normal Christmas tree. It made me wonder if there is a forest somewhere full of Christmas trees without tops. Think about it. Wouldn’t that be odd?
I bought a string of lights and some ornaments, and it is awesome. Just looking at it makes me happy. I told my mom about it while talking to her on the phone tonight, and she said it’s still too early for Christmas stuff. But I like to enjoy the decorations for as long as possible (while still refusing to put anything up before Thanksgiving), and didn’t want to wait any longer.
Thus, today I got a Christmas tree.

I love real trees!! But, I finally broke down and bought a fake one a few years ago. Between all the dog hair from our black lab and the tree needles all over the floor, I was going insane sweeping every day! LOL!
No picture?
Sarah- 2 years ago we did a mini real tree in our apartment. I loved it! It was my first real tree- ever! This year we are getting a real big tree for the house!! I am excited and wanted to get it last weekend, but Manny said we had to wait. I might actually prefer a fake tree as it is less mess (especially since I think Max will end up pulling it over) but Manny refuses to go fake. So he had to promise to clean up any tree messes.