Target is evil.
You go there looking for something totally innocent, but then between wandering around just to “see what they’ve got” and laughing at items such as the Old Fashioned Hot Dog Roller Grill, you suddenly leave the store an hour later with $130 worth of stuff, including a copy of Guitar Hero III that you were going to resist until your boyfriend innocently said “I’ll split it with you!” So you then proceed to play for the rest of the night until your wrist aches and your fingers hurt and you feel like your hands are going to explode.
I think I seriously have a blister on my pinky finger.
Target is evil.
And I love them.
OMG, Target is the devil! I used to do all my grocery shopping there with my kiddo, but then realized my grocery bill had doubled, because I kept picking up extra stuff. New towels here, some home decor stuff there, not to mention Starbucks or Pizza Hut…it was out of control. Now I stick to Kroger’s, LOL!