Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in blogger-ville! It’s been a nice day in Corpus. Cloudy and cold, but nice all the same. I managed to avoid completely gorging myself on all the good food, which is always an accomplishment, and I have successfully schooled most of Jose’s cousins in Guitar Hero. No one ever expects me to actually be good at it, but I can play at least half the songs on expert level. Heh heh heh.
Food and Guitar Hero. Yep, it’s been a good holiday.
Wonder what I should look for at Black Friday shopping tomorrow…? No one really needs anything but everyone wants to go anyone. I must say I don’t totally understand that.
Hope everyone else had a great day!
I failed the first time at typing in random letters. Let’s see if I can do it correctly this time.
The sound card died on me (goodbye Christmas music) and the 9-volt in the CO2 detector also. No way am I going out to replace them.