This is Mission Control at daybreak. It looks even darker at 4 a.m. Obviously. As I walked in this morning, it occurred to me that I have not seen 3:30 a.m. in quite a long time. Perhaps not since college. And then I was certainly seeing 3:30 a.m. as the end of a day rather than the beginning.
During the last mission, I made fun of Becca because she was working the middle-of-the-night shift and for a week or more, all her blog entries talked about was how tired she was. I suppose I should apologize to her now, because the truth is this: when you’re tired, pretty much all you can think about is how tired you are. And how good it would feel to sleep. And how comfy your bed is at home. And how tired you are. Did I mention tired?
I had class last night so I didn’t even get home until after 10:00. My best efforts got me in bed by 10:45, but it took a half hour to fall asleep. At 3:00 when my alarm went off, I was surprisingly awake…but that lasted for about 15 minutes. Although I know I’m destined to end up with crappy hours in the future when I start working rendezvous and supporting some part of flight other than ascent, this is the first time I’ve had to deal with these hours. And after only two days, I can’t think about anything but sleep.
Oh, and baseball. I can think about baseball. Speaking of which, why wasn’t there a game last night? This post-season schedule seems totally bizarre to me. Have there always been this many off days? I know four of the six series have been sweeps, but it seems like there have been more off days than on days. had a commentary about it today, something about wanting the World Series to start mid-week for ratings. Everything is about ratings. I bet MLB is just loving the prospect of a Cleveland-Colorado World Series. I’m excited about it though. From the start, Rockies-Indians is what I was hoping for. Two underdogs, two teams that haven’t seen October in a while. Even Manny says it’s no big deal if the Red Sox lose. What a wacky guy.
In summary: I’m tired.
Getting up that early – for any reason – makes me feel nauseous and apathetic.