My one big task for the day is done and the basic rendezvous book for STS-124 is on the editor’s desk. I’ve only been at work for 5 hours, but I’m ready to go home. I’m tired, my throat hurts, and I’m achy. I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s been bugging me for a few days. I really, really don’t feel like running, but I’m trying to convince myself that I should. It’s been a couple days since my last run, and the 10-miler is coming up on Sunday.
So I should run. But on the other hand, I don’t want to turn this into a full-blown illness if I can help it. And tomorrow is going to be a 19-hour day for me. Up at 4 a.m. for a very early test at work, not returning home until 10 p.m. after my class and second test of the semester.
I’m having another round of doubts about the marathon anyway. On Sunday, I almost signed up for the Lonestar Half Ironman again. (And I would have, except I realized that our Japan trip is probably going to conflict.) I had such a great time doing it last year that I definitely want to do it again. Another Half Ironman in 2008 sounds like fun. Lonestar may not work out, so I’ll have to find a different one.
I did one Half Ironman and six months later, I know that I definitely want to do another one.
I did one marathon and three years later, I’m still wishy-washy on whether I want to do another one, even though I’m actually signed up for Houston.
My motivation is seriously lacking.
I know that the weather is a large cause. The heat makes me slow. And being slow gets under my skin.
“Just because all your running friends are doing the marathon doesn’t mean you have to,” said Jose. “I keep hearing you question whether you want to do another one. And you’ve always talked about how much you like the half.”
I do love the half.
On the other hand, the race is still three months away. When I did Houston in 2005, I didn’t even start training — at all — until late October. The 10-miler was my longest run — ever — when I did it in 2004 during the run-up to the marathon. This year, I’ve already got one 10-miler under my belt.
I’m sure I’ll change my mind at least a dozen times more before January.
I think if you have doubts again, and you’ve had them often, then you shouldnt do it. Bump down to the 1/2 or sell your bib. Lots of people out there that KNOW FOR SURE they want to, no doubt about it.
Just my .02