Over the past few days as I prepared for the launch, I didn’t experience the same level of anticipation that I did when I worked my first launch in June. It would be silly to say that working launches is now old hat — because it is most certainly not — but there were other things to concentrate on. I had to keep on eye on preparations for the next flight in December that I’m also working, and I had to concentrate on training my trainee, who was flight-following this launch as part of her certification requirements. All those things combined, and I just didn’t feel the same anxious excitement…
…Until 9 minutes before launch, when we came out of the final hold and I realized that the weather was actually going to stay clear, and that we were actually going to launch. And when it came down to it, I discovered that my heart was pounding just as hard as it did the first time.
Pretty dang cool. On days like these, I love my job.
Nice picture – thanks to you!
Hey, I saw that live yesterday while here in vegas. My parents and I were having coffee, watching the news and there it was!
I had not seen a lift off in a long time and was glad I could see it!
I did even think of you and that you were somehow involved and glad it all went well.
well I moved from Houston to Las Vegas, will be updating my blog later and posting a race recap on Canyon Lake Oly Triathlon.