Last night I was lying in bed watching the end of the Rockies-Diamondbacks game. I was looking forward to seeing the Rockies sweep, and watching them celebrate as their crazy winning streak continues.
It was just a minute or two past midnight according to the clock next to my bed, and the Diamondbacks were about to bat in the top of the 8th inning, when a loud “SHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSH” sound began eminating from the TV and the picture turned to static.
What the hell?!
A quick check showed that TBS was the only channel that had gone static. Everything else was still playing normally. I flipped channels frantically. Suddenly, TBS was back. Only it wasn’t TBS anymore. Channel 31 had turned from TBS into FX and was now showing the end of “The Stepford Wives” with Nicole Kidman.
What the hell?!?
Next thing I knew, channel 32 had gone static. When it reappeared, it had morphed from Spike TV into the Golf Channel. Now I began to suspect Comcast, who took over from Time Warner a few months ago. To my untrained eye, it appeared more than coincidence that the issues began at midnight. It looked suspiciously like a channel realignment. But I never got anything in the mail, and the Comcast website showed no changes.
I flipped up and down through 60+ channels, searching for any sign of baseball. All the other channels stayed the same. ESPN was still 33 and 34. Comedy Central was still 59. HGTV was still 47.
I gave up, fuming, and went to bed. This morning, TBS was still gone.
I checked my mail on my way to work, since I didn’t check it yesterday afternoon. In my mailbox was a card from Comcast announcing a new channel lineup. Sure enough, FX was 31. The Golf Channel was 32. TBS moved to 51, though I never found it there last night. Though their brochure clearly states “changes effective October 23,” apparently they decided to move it up a week.
I checked their website again this morning. It’s updated. They updated it sometime since midnight last night.
Comcast owes me. They made me miss the end of the NLCS. Bastards.
Comcast. Grrr. So expensive.
I don’t get TBS with my basic cable. Before buying basic cable, I specifically called them up to verify that I would get it, because I used to watch. I haven’t seen TBS in the time I’ve been in Washington as a result.