Well, I broke my blog. More accurately, I upgraded my blog software (Movable Type) to an entirely new version that they significantly revamped. My old templates, the ones that I created and customized, no longer work with the new system for various reasons, but mainly because I was lazy about updating them when I did previous upgrades. Since they didn’t work, I couldn’t post. And not being able to post — even for just a couple days — was starting to bug me.
So no, my blog has not been hacked or anything. This is one of the default system templates (Houston, conveniently enough), so you’ll get this lovely view until I can redo my template for the new version of MT.
I like it!
Whoa…I miss a week and…whoa
I like the new look!
I especially like that you can post in the future. Impressive.
I gave a lot of the suggestions to our designer when they were creating this for Vox, so I’m glad to see this included with Movable Type 4 as well.