Jose’s couch is much nicer than mine, with one side effect: it always makes me fall asleep. We’ve taken to jokingly calling it the sleepy couch, since stretching out on it seems to assure that if left alone, I will be asleep within minutes. On Saturday I spent about six hours on the sleepy couch, and I was asleep for at least three of those.
I ran 6 miles on Saturday morning with Bay Area Fit and it totally wiped me out. I fell asleep on Jose’s couch while he planned his afternoon cross country flight (cancelled due to weather). Later that night after a pedicure and dinner with Becca, I fell asleep again while watching TV. Jose actually had to wake me up to watch a movie.
With all that sleep, you might think that I had a hard time falling asleep Saturday night. Not so! I slept another nine hours. It was a weekend of sleep.
Yesterday I was finally awake enough to be social, and we went sailing with Becca and Byron for the first time. There wasn’t a lot of wind and it was pretty darn hot, but it was still nice to be on the water. I want to go again when the weather cools down.
Sometimes a weekend of sleep is just needed! Sailing sounds fun…it’s another on my “things to do list”!