Do you ever have those days or weeks where time seems to slow down? Sometimes this is a good thing, but sometimes it’s incredibly annoying. Because when time slows down, you get tired. You feel generally blah. You get bored. And though you know that things are bound to pick up again at some point, it feels like that point is very, very far off.
Work has been mind-numbingly slow over the past week. It’s no one’s fault; it’s just a factor of circumstances. Half of my office is working the mission, meaning half of my office isn’t here. The mission also means that there are no sims, so I’m not getting to practice any real-time ops. I had my one pilot pool lesson for the week this morning, and only a few lessons remain. I will miss those classes, since they have been a lot of fun. I am assigned to many upcoming missions, but none of them has any outstanding work at this moment, at least not where I am concerned. Boil all this down and I am left with reading. Studying. Thinking. Reading some more.
Even the evenings have been slow. The HARRA website is finally at a reasonable level of self-sufficiency. My graphic design class for fall doesn’t start until next week, and for the first time it will be a non-hands-on class from what I can tell; it looks like it will be more reading and discussion oriented. I am running, but obviously I don’t run all night. I am tired of TV, as there is rarely anything good on. I have no websites to work on, and no little design projects to tweak. I find myself feeling bored. This is a very unusual feeling, since I am usually very good at entertaining myself.
So, I am open to suggestions as to how I should spend my free time over the next few weeks until things speed up again. All suggestions will be considered unless they involve training for an Ironman, spending an obscene amount of money, spending extensive time in the crappy construction-slowed traffic, or evacuating in advance of a hurricane. I may not have control over that last one, but I can hope.
Sleep & read!
BARC Pub Crawl!
BARC Pub Crawl! Space City Cycling Club Saturday morning Bike Barn ride! Do the USA 10 miler loop cycle with Crosstrain one evening! Boondoggles!
Hey Sarah! I have no useful suggestions on how to fill your time (also since I’m great at wasting time) but I wanted to say the HARRA website looks great.
Ummm…you could try to figure out a way to put printable membership cards on the website and maybe load up the the members-only calendar. I’d do it myself, but I’m over a barrel right now…
Run more? :o)
Go up to a set of pay phones and place a collect call to the phone next to you.
Three words: wax my car.