There are just too many events for a girl like me to keep up. I’m excited to be doing the Houston Urban Adventure Race with Debbie tomorrow morning, but I’m bummed to be missing the Lunar Rendezvous Run and all the bloggers that will be there. They’re even giving out a cool red tech tee! Color me jealous. Ah well.
I wanted to run last night and planned to hit the Gilruth trail at 7:45 for 3 miles before our 9:00 softball game. Unfortunately, at 7:45 there was thunder and lightning galore so I kept my butt inside. The storm passed by 8:30 and we did play softball, but at that point there was no time for running. At least softball was good. We won 16-3 and I went 2-for-3! The rain cooled the temperature, but it was so humid that simply running from home plate to first base had me dripping with sweat. After the game, Jose asked if I had taken a shower, and he wasn’t kidding. I was that wet. After the game I also helped Debbie put the chain back on her bike, so we are set for tomorrow morning!
It’s going to be a busy weekend. I’ve got two races plus a soccer game. Jose’s got a major cross-country training flight planned with his instructor. Somewhere in there, I’ll hopefully get a nap…or two.
In other news, I got a raise! Raises in my job are based pretty much entirely on time served, not on performance, so it doesn’t really say anything about me other than: I’ve been working here for 5 years. I transitioned from coop to full-time on July 22, 2002. It amounts to ~$50 more per paycheck after taxes. It also means that I have officially topped out. Here at JSC, your salary rises like crazy for 5 years and then suddenly you plateau. I won’t get another raise (except for the standard yearly government increase for inflation) from now until I become management. Which isn’t likely to happen anytime soon.
$50 / paycheck? That doesn’t sound like a big jump.
have fun at the Adventure race.. sound cool and Super Congrats on the raise!!!
$50 seems a bit low, I thought I saw a higher jump when I went to the same grade you’re at (but then, I didn’t start at a higher step level like you did). Also, you will get the step increases every few years.
Turns out my $50 increase was just a step increase. The official raise is still to come.