On Sunday, I made a fatal mistake. (Fatal to my bank account, anyway.) After taking care of pre-trip necessities like getting Jose a suitcase that doesn’t have a giant gash in the side, we had lunch in the food court. The path from the food court to the car passed directly in front of the Apple store. The Apple store had a table front and center full of iPhones.
“Jose, let’s go play with an iPhone,” I said.
This was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea. Because, you see, the iPhone is incredibly cool. It looks great. The screen is so bright and clear. Things zoom around the screen at the flick of a finger. I know there are other devices out there with the same capability, but none of them are as elegant or as pretty. And I am a sucker for good design.
I want one.
And now it’s only a matter of when.
This is exactly why the table is at the front of the store!
you should do it. some day you’ll be old and married with a kid and you won’t have the kind of freedom you have now. (well, you may, but you could also die tomorrow). enjoy it!
I’ve been testing one for a few days. Call me before you go out and get one.
Only a matter of time for me too- i would have one now, but I have a another couple of months left on my spring contract. BOO! Tell me what Carter says…
Hey Sarah, I ended up deciding against it for now. When they work out some of the details I might in the future, but I read some of the compatibility issues (plus you’re paying for technology that AT&T doesn’t support yet; not Apple’s fault).
I’m sure it’ll happen down the road, but decided to stick to the smart phone I already have.
Uh Oh! Hey, I’m proud of you for not getting one right then and there.
I’m such a cheapo, I’ll keep my current cell phone until it dies and then I might consider something cooler.
yea that phone is so cool, a couple of my patients have it.
and its a matter of phone or new wet suit for me..humm.