After watching the space shuttle perform a successful undocking, flyaround, and separation, and enjoying some really spectacular video of the whole thing, I had lunch with a bunch of people, including Jen and Carina! It was the first time I got to see Carina since the hospital. She looks a little bigger, but that might just be me. She slept the whole time, but opened her eyes a couple times to yawn or let out a cry. I tried to take a photo, but both camera batteries I had were dead. I know — impossible but true.
Photo or no photo, Carina is super cute.
Last night I did indeed go swimming. I’d planned to go all out and do 2000 yards, but I was running late and didn’t make it into the water until 6:32. That left 28 minutes for me to do as much as possible before the old ladies took over the pool for their water aerobics class! At a moderate pace, I managed to get in 1500 yards, the last 300 coming while one man was jumping the gun and pulling up the lane ropes all around me. I had my defense ready — a short and sweet “lap swim goes until 7:00, therefore I’ll get out of the pool at 7:00” — but I didn’t have to use it. I can always tell when I haven’t been swimming enough, because my arms get tired more quickly. I reached around to scratch my shoulder blade today and could feel soreness in my shoulders.
Tonight I’m running with the Bay Area Fit Tri folks at 6:00 p.m. The heat index is currently 101, which scares me. It’s gonna be a rough run.
In other news, I’m still dealing with a lot of emails with questions about the new HARRA website, and my patience is starting to evaporate at a rapid rate. Yesterday I got an email from a man in Jackson, Mississippi. He got a confirmation email from the new site for someone with the same first initial and last name. The person obviously put in the incorrect email address when they signed up. Who doesn’t know their own email address??
After this experience, I will always think twice before firing off an irate email to someone I don’t know. For all I know, the person I’m emailing in frustration to tell them that the new way is too complicated and that I preferred the old way might be volunteering her time to try to make things better down the road.
At least I’ve gotten two or three positive emails. My favorite was from the guy who said he loved the new look of the website, but could I please adjust the “current Houston weather” box on the main page to read 10-15 degrees cooler with a lot less humidity?
If only, man. If only…
Jen swears she’s bigger. She probably is.