So as you may have figured out by looking at my Flickr stream, I am on a vegetable-growing kick right now. It started with some basil seeds from Lowe’s and ended up with two more trips to get already-sprouted tomato plants and more. I always thought that growing things was too hard, or that I just didn’t have the talent. After all, I killed not one but two cactus plants in college.
Against all odds, my vegetables are growing like crazy! I have two tomato plants and a bell pepper plant. The cherry tomatoes and bell pepper are at Jose’s apartment, where the balcony gets full sun for at least half of the day. I picked my first three tomatoes this week and they were TASTY. They were the early bloomers. The rest are still green. But I counted last night and I have 31 cherry tomatoes on the plant right now. 31! The bell peppers are growing as well, and I’ve got two big ones to show off.
I have a grape tomato plant at my own apartment, where it only gets about 2-3 hours of morning sun each day and is subjected to more wind. It’s not doing nearly as well, but there are 3 tomatoes growing and I staked it the other day to hopefully keep it more protected from the wind. We’ll see how it does. At some point I may take it to Jose’s.
In other news, I ran 3.1 miles last night. It was supposed to be a tempo run, but only about 7 minutes were actually run at tempo pace because it was so damn hot. The entire run took 35:40, with a couple pauses to swig water. At the end, I felt like either throwing up or dying.
Also, it turns out that I pretty much suck so far at learning to fly the space shuttle.
txrunnergirl says
Very cool tomato plants! I learned that if I actually water my plants consistently, they live! Go figure! 🙂