Yesterday I ran the BARC Prediction Run. I predicted that I’d cover the 5K distance in 32:00. I know I ran 29:45 a week ago, but I didn’t want to go all out because it was hot, and I wasn’t feeling that great. I figured I’d feel better once I started running. WRONG. I got through the first mile ok, and I’d guess at about 9:30 pace. But then I fell apart. My head hurt. My legs hurt. Every time I started running, I felt nauseous. When I walked, it went away. So I spent the next two miles running and walking and running and walking some more. I finally crossed the finish line barely jogging, and told Joe (who was timing) that I didn’t even want to know. I predicted 35 or 36 minutes. I felt horrible.
Turns out I ran 34:15. I ran 4.5 minutes slower than a mere week earlier, which sucks, but 34:15 is actually faster than I thought I’d run, so there was a silver lining. And everybody got to take home something. I ended up with a pink BARC long sleeve tech tee. Not bad!
I feel even worse today though. Not sure what’s going on. My throat feels weird, and my head is all stuffy. But I’m not congested. And yet I’m tired — despite having slept from 10:00 last night to 8:00 this morning. I had a long week and came in yesterday to watch the shuttle/station rendezvous — which was so nominal that it would’ve been boring if it hadn’t been real — so maybe I’ve just picked up a bug.
Jose and I are heading to Corpus this weekend. It’ll be nice to get out of town.
In space, can anyone hear you dock?
I was hoping to make it down there, but I stayed up too late Saturday night … and the alarm clock won the battle.