The Department of Homeland Security is causing all sorts of headaches at work lately. New requirements, etc. ‘Nuff said.
Last night I met the BAFT group over at Clear Lake High for my first speedwork session of the year, and let me just say that it kicked. my. butt. After a 1-mile warmup, we did 10×30-30. That’s 30 seconds fast, 30 seconds recovery, ten times in a row. I lost count, but I think they worked in an 11th repeat, whether intentionally or not. By the end, I was so whipped that I could barely continue to the 1-mile cooldown! The sweat was pouring off my face. But I made it. In total I did 3.15 miles (which means 1.15 miles of 30-30s) in under 34 minutes. Good workout. We followed the run with stretching and core work, at which point I realized that my core sucks. I couldn’t do the whole workout. Baby steps…I’ll have to build up to it.
When I got home from running, I decided that having lasagna for dinner sounded good, so I turned on the oven. I had a bunch of stuff sitting on top of the burners, and I started moving that stuff to get it away from the heating oven. One of these items was a ziploc bag full of dried milk (for use in breadmaking). As I picked up the bag, dried milk started falling everywhere! The bag had a hole in it. A melted hole. I don’t know if it happened in the minute of pre-heating last night or not, but there was a melted hole. The kitchen started to fill with the smell of burning dried milk.
I turned off the oven and cleaned up the stuff that had spilled all over the counter. And only then did I open the oven and realize that the milk had spilled onto the burner that just happens to have the oven exhaust hole in the middle of it. And that my oven was filled with dried milk.
And that it had started to burn, hence the smell.
So I got out my vacuum cleaner and started to vacuum up all the dried milk.
And then my vacuum cleaner broke.
CNN has an article today asking: where have all the TV viewers gone? Ratings are down, and for the moment they’re chalking it up to the changing ways that people are watching TV. Tivos and such. But I can’t help but think that a lot of people are just doing other things, or watching other shows on cable. Network TV is total crap these days. The only network TV that I watch — and I don’t mean regularly, I mean just every once in a while — is Scrubs, Letterman, and Conan.
Last night I had the TV on for at least 4 hours. (Not watching it the whole time, as I tend to have it on in the background while I’m doing other things, but it was still on.) What was it turned to? The Astros game, followed by Daily Show and Colbert Report, followed by Letterman. On the weekends when I do have time to chill out and relax, you’ll mainly find me watching Discovery Channel or something else on cable.
I was really sick this weekend, and spent all day Sunday on the couch. Luckily, there was a Mythbusters marathon on Discovery–I probably watched 5 or 6 straight episodes. Great show…
I agree that network TV stinks..with the exception of Grey’s, LOST and Heroes. That’s enough TV for me anyway.
You should watch “How I Met Your Mother” on CBS Monday nights. It’s a great show and the only new show I watch on network tv.
So, how did the lasagna taste?
The lasagna never got made. I ordered pizza.