Last night as I drove home from class, I was feeling tired, achey, bored, and generally down. I knew I should go running, but I didn’t want to. Because I was tired. Because I felt bummed out. Because I didn’t have my clothes with me to go to Gilruth, which meant I’d have to run laps of my apartment complex.
The BAFT schedule called for a 40 minute fartlek, and never having done a true fartlek before was just enough to get me out the door. The first ten minutes were crappy. But then everything fell into place. Just like it almost always does. Just like I always forget that it does.
I did my fartlek, running slow, then fast, then slow, then sorta fast, all depending on what I felt like. I’d run fast to the next telephone pole, then slow down to recover. From one fire hydrant to another. Recover. In the end I ran for 40 minutes and covered about 3.7 miles. Not bad.
It’s been so hot in my office this week that I think I’ll burn extra calories just from sweating.
This week my very casual Beach to Bay relay team has gone from non-existant to definitely going to maybe to “my cousin changed his mind” to who knows what. I currently have 5 runners. Not enough.