The Resurrection Run this morning was cloudy and cold — about 48 degrees. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that it was the coldest run they’ve ever had, since it’s always the Saturday before Easter and by this time of year, chill like this is usually long gone.
It would have been a great day to go for a 5K PR, and I’d be lying to say that I didn’t think a lot about it. I’d been planning to give it a shot earlier in the week. I wasn’t sure if I could do it a mere 6 days removed from the Half Ironman, but I figured I could try.
Then when I mentioned the race, Jose said he wanted to run it! It was totally unexpected, and of course I couldn’t turn it down. I considered running it alone and jogging back to find him for the last couple tenths of a mile, but that’s no fun. It’s much more fun to run with someone!
So an attempt at a PR for myself can wait. I ran with a cute boy instead, and that cute boy set a new PR himself! That’s three races for him and three PRs.
Astros Race – May 06 – 35:18
Reindeer Run – Dec 06 – 35:00
Resurrection Run – Apr 07 – 34:24
He hasn’t been running since, well, basically his last 5K in December. We took off too fast for Jose, probably a factor of me wanting to just go go go. The first mile passed in about 10:40. I thought he might want to take a quick walk break, but he didn’t! We continued running, finishing mile 2 in about 11:15. We did walk briefly through the water stop, but then we started running again. I could hear Jose breathing hard, and he was coughing a bit from the cold air on his throat (the same thing happens to me when I run hard in cold weather), but I told him that if we kept up this pace, he’d set a new PR.
That was enough to keep him going, and we crossed the finish line in 34:24 for my 5th straight Resurrection Run finish. Afterwards, Jose did not feel very good, but half an hour later he was better. Just after crossing the finish line, I stopped to talk to some of my friends and apparently that was not good for Jose, who felt like the sudden stop was worse than the running!
It was great to see a bunch of my friends, including Sean and Amy, Jon and Waverly, Joe, Sam, and Veronica. This is one of my favorite races in Houston because I like the course so much. If I find myself with an extra few hundred thousand dollars lying around, I’d buy a house there.
I was Sooooooooooooooo cold once I got inside this morning. A friend and I had waited around for a couple of runners so I got my cool down in the chilly weather.
I took the longest, hottest shower ever. The only reason I stayed in was because I hadn’t laid out my sweat ahead of time.
The only reason I ever got out was I used up all the hot water – LOL!
No need to lay out sweat without that last S.
Poor Jose. He decides to run another 5K, and he’s running with a girl who just finished a half-ironman. I bet you were ready to go, knowing you only had to run a little more than three miles!
It was great to see ya’ll out there. Congrats to Jose on his PR! Definitely the coldest RR I’ve been in – usually complaining about the humidity LOL!
I meant to ask Veronica when they’re going to schedule the 7th annual Pub Crawl.
I was showing Waverly where all we ran last September on it as we made our way to the race.