I wish that today was still my birthday, because it would put me in a better mood.
Actually, I’m not in a bad mood. I’m just feeling lazy.
I went to the rendezvous sim today to observe, which was fun…but everything went smoothly with only minor issues, so the day sort of dragged along. If nothing goes wrong, spaceflight is really pretty boring — at least for the flight controllers on the ground. I could have asked a lot more questions, but I was observing someone who is still new enough that he had to concentrate on making sure he doesn’t miss anything himself. That doesn’t leave him a lot of time to help me out. Next time I’ll take another GPO along with me to answer questions. That worked well last time.
I’m alternating between being stressing and just not caring about the Yuri’s Night 5K, which is coming up on April 21. I tried to bow out gracefully this year and give the reins to someone (anyone) else, but that didn’t work. Now I’m facing a crazy April schedule that includes the race coming up, a grand total of 8 registrants thus far, and no help. I like the running community and for three years I liked planning this race. But with each year, I’ve had less and less support. I can’t do it on my own, and I don’t really want to. I haven’t figured out how to handle this yet.
On the good side of all things running-related, Erin returned from the RRCA convention in Chicago with some awesome ideas on how to solve a lot of both our membership and website problems with one solution. I am super pumped about the possibilities — it would make her life as membership chair and my life as webmaster easier all around, while also making our website far more useful and effective.
Now I’m dreading having to go to class in an hour, because last week’s class was utterly useless. The professor showed up 15 minutes late, just like he always — and I mean always — does. Why do I even bother getting there by 4:00 when he never walks in until at least 4:10? Then he told us that he didn’t really have a formal lecture prepared, but that he would talk off-the-cuff about a typographic artist. The artwork he showed was actually pretty cool, but he rambled on forever. Then he had nothing else to say, so class was over at 5:20. I felt like it was a waste of my time, and that I could learn more by doing some extra reading on my own.
So now I feel that way about going to class tonight. I’d rather just go home and read one of the typography books I bought for myself, outside of class requirements. Hmm.
I’m dialed into a con call from home…waiting for the chairperson to arrive. Listening to Christmas music while on hold. Christmas music! In March!
The call is originating from Sydney; I think they have their months mixed up at that end of the continent.
A bunch of people from work did Bluebonnet on Sunday to get ready for the half ironman.
I should be in and able to help again.
Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry I missed it yesterday!