Happy Birthday Cari!
Last night was happy hour at BJ’s in honor of me finally certifying as ARD Support, paperwork and everything — despite the fact that my cert sim was almost three months ago. It was a lot of fun and we had a good diverse crowd. Marc (my mentor) and I headed over there at 4:30 and everyone trickled in…a couple “bosses,” a few of my fellow backroom flight controllers, and other coworkers. One even used it as an excuse to bring all three of his absolutely adorable children so that he didn’t have to cook dinner himself. A good time was had by all. Appropriately, yesterday was also the day that Atlantis rolled out to the launchpad. March 15 is the big day — first launch of 2007, and my first mission as a flight controller. Very exciting.
Because of that, I didn’t run but never fear — yesterday was my day off so today I will be running.
It’s been a long week of getting up too early, and I’m glad the Friday is finally here. Of course, I have to get up early again tomorrow, but that’s more acceptable because we’ll be heading to the airport for a week in Colorado! Snow! Skiing! Cold. But Colorado! My current plan (always subject to change) is to ski 2 days at Breckenridge and 2 days at Vail/Beaver Creek. Throw in some snowshoeing with pregnant non-skiing Jen, and possibly some snowmobiling, and definitely some hot tubbing, and hey, even some treadmill running and stationary biking (gotta train somehow), and I’m pumped for VACATION! I’ll post photos to Flickr, and I’ll be blogging as well — I have to take my computer to do my weekly typography assignment. Also because I am insanely attached to my computer.
In other news, I may have done something stupid this morning, inspired by June — I signed up for the New York Marathon on November 4. Well, to be exact, I signed up for the lottery for the NYM. But if my name gets picked, it’s non-refundable and non-transferrable, so if that happens I’ll be running!
Yeah but see MOST marathons worth running are the same way..non-refundable, non-transferrable!! I was just glad that they dont charge the card till you are ACCEPTED!!!
woohoo!!!! i will die if one of us gets in and the other doesnt!!!! i want both of us!!
Yeah! Go Sarah!!
I can’t ski for squat, but I sure enjoyed Vail/Beaver Creek many (many) years ago when I tried. Have fun!
Have fun on your trip!
I have no idea what you are talking about … being addicted to the computer…. what? yes.. as a matter of fact I *am* writing this from San Antonio.
Thanks! =)