Another sim, another early morning. There are three morning sims this week — yesterday, today, and Thursday — which means three mornings of getting here at 7 a.m. On the plus side, Bini was sitting hot seat today and will do it again on Thursday, so I got to sleep in by an extra half hour. So really, one day at 7 a.m. and two at 7:30. Still, that’s early for me. It’s gonna be a rough, sleepy week.
Things will be looking up on Saturday though, as I head to Colorado for the annual ski trip! I got my “lift tickets” in the mail yesterday. They’re not tickets, but really just a credit card style thing with your info loaded onto it; I immediately stuck it in my wallet for fear of forgetting to pack it and leaving it Houston.
I’ve got class again tonight, and we’ll be working on the beginning of our big, semester-long assignment: designing a typeface (font). My biggest problem so far is actually deciding what kind of font I want to make!
Should I do something fairly traditional, like the first photo? Or, after seeing a picture of a bagel shop, I thought of making a mosiac-style type like the second photo. Or, I could always just make my own handwriting (print, at least) into a typeface…
Or, I could do something else entirely. When we were first given this assignment, I worried that I’d never be able to come up with anything to do. Now, I’m worried that there are just so many possibilities that it’s too overwhelming. If anyone has any cool ideas, by all means let me know.
I vote for sarah script!
Your handwriting is very neat, no doubt helped by your mother’s teaching. That’d be a good one. Or maybe use your mom’s handwriting?
I like the second one… it reminds me of something I would see on a little mom & pop store window in a town like Mayberry. That gave me a warm-fuzzy…hey, maybe that could be the name of it?! hahaahaha
My other thought is this… my favorite font is Comic Sans. I think it’s a perfect representation of my personality…casual, fun but can still pass for serious, if absolutely necessary. But it’d be neat if there was another choice out there. Can you design a casual but fun and occasionally serious font?