I’m sick. Yesterday, sore throat, this morning, full-on cold with sore throat, runny nose, etc. Apparently Jen got sick yesterday, and Gavin quickly followed, and since I watched the Superbowl at their house on Sunday night I’m totally blaming them.
Actually, I’ve heard a lot of people complaining about colds lately. So maybe I was due. I haven’t been sick, well, since I started dating Jose — a fact he noted last night when I commented that I thought I might be getting a cold.
I really started feeling bad during class last night. It was heightened by the fact that the assignment we had due — the one I stayed up until 12:30 the night before working on — got shifted to next week. We didn’t even present them, because half of the class hadn’t done the assignment yet. See, the professor cancelled class last week because he was sick, and usually at the end of each class, he gives us an overview of the next assignment and shows us some past examples. We didn’t get that because we didn’t have class. This apparently confounded some people to the point where they couldn’t even do the assignment at all (despite the fact that it’s all written down on the class website).
I was pretty frustrated. Even if you gloss over the fact that they found it acceptable to not even attempt to do the assignment on time, there’s this: most of these people want to work as designers. They’re not grad students like me, and they’re taking the classes as their main degree, so they don’t have another full-time job like me. As a working designer, you can expect to be constantly faced with challenges where your client only tells you bits and pieces of what they want — if you can’t deal with it in school, how will you deal with it in the real world?
Anyway. After class I had zero desire to run because I was tired and frustrated and my throat hurt, but I didn’t want to skip a workout so I decided to switch Tuesday and Thursday. I rode 45 minutes on my trainer instead, equivalent to a 10-12 mile ride. I’m supposed to ride 15 today, and I must say that it’s absolutely beautiful outside, but I don’t want to push things too much, especially since I do still plan to run the Surfside Half Marathon on Saturday. I’ll see how I feel this afternoon.
Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs was on the Daily Show last night. He cracks me up, and has an amazing ability to remember the details of all the crazy jobs that he’s done. Dirty Jobs might just be my favorite show on TV right now; if you haven’t watched it, you really should give it a try.
Sorry, Sarah. This thing really sucks. It also somes on so fast it’s pretty easy to give it to people without realizing it.
LOVE Dirty Jobs!! Seen every episode… but maybe it could be that Mike Rowe is just plain HOT!!!
Sorry that you are feeling bad… that really does suck.