Jose finally found out what time his friend is getting married in Corpus on Saturday, and it’s 2:00. So I won’t be able to make the Buffalo Wallow 6K. Sad. I’m not bothered about losing my money (after all, it was only $10), but I’m bummed not to be able to run one of the very few off-road races in Houston and to see all my running buds for the first time since the marathon. C’est la vie, there will be other races, and the wedding will be fun. I like going to weddings.
As I drove to work this morning, I thought “man, January has been so freaking rainy, what a crappy month.” Then I realized it’s February. Weather’s still crappy (enough with the rain already), and it’s been exactly 4 years since the Columbia accident. My paperwork is being shuffled and organized and signed as I type, making me a certified space shuttle flight controller on a day that reminds me that people’s lives depend on me doing my job and doing it right. It is a sobering thought to realize that I have such responsibility. All I can do is work my hardest to be prepared for any situation. And I plan to do just that.
I did my first ride on my new bike trainer last night! You can check out my Flickr stream to see a cameraphone picture of how cramped my living room is with the bike positioned just so in front of the TV. I didn’t take the time to rewire the speed sensor yet, so I just rode for 50 minutes, then headed to the workout room at my apartment complex to run because it was c-c-cold outside. Both treadmills were taken, so I did a 28-minute program on the EFX machine. I don’t think that was quite as good as running, since the EFX motion is still a little like cycling, but oh well.
Bummer on The Wallow, excellent on the workout. Don’t forget, no pass from training due to the wedding. The Chorus expects a full report.