My bike trainer can’t come soon enough (it arrives on Tuesday). This morning I planned to do a nice long bike ride, but I woke up to the weather station a half mile away from my apartment reading 44 degrees, with a wind chill of 31. I definitely ain’t got the cycling wear to battle a wind chill of 31 — and more when you consider that I’d be riding. And the stupid Gilruth gym is closed on Sundays. And my apartment complex doesn’t have a stationary bike. ARGH.
If you asked me what my biggest training hurdle would be, I would have guessed motivation. My motivation has a bad habit of coming and going with my mental state (tired, hungry, bored, etc). But here I am mere weeks into training and the weather keeps thwarting my plans! Rain, wind, cold, pool hours. With my life as busy as it is, I really need to be able to do my workouts when I plan to — I needed to do my bike this morning. It’s nicer outside now, and warmer, but I no longer have the time or the daylight!
I didn’t feel much like running after my 10-miler yesterday, so I substituted a good long swim instead. I did 2000 yards total: 500 warmup, 200 kick, 100 warmup, 500 free, 5×100 free, and 200 cooldown. I did that in about 42 minutes, which is right at my goal time for the Half Ironman — I hope to do the 1.2 miles (2112 yards) in 45-50 minutes. Take away the pushing-off-the-wall benefit of the pool but add the wetsuit benefit of the HI swim, and I think that’s reasonable.
Anyway, this week’s schedule is going to need some re-working — no bike today, and I’m busy until 10 p.m. on Tuesday. On top of that, I may be going to Corpus next weekend. Here’s my tentative rescheduling of this week:
Mon – 20-25 mile bike
Tues – 4-mile run in the a.m. if time allows
Wed – brick with 10 mile bike, 2 mile run
Thu – 5 mile run
Fri – rest — OR 4-mile run if I can’t make the 6K on Saturday
Sat – Buffalo Wallow 6K — OR rest if I can’t make it
Sun – 30-40 miles bike on trainer (after dark) hopefully ?!? if I get back to Houston in time…
Busy girl!!! Hope to see you at the 6K.