Houstonians are crazy. I don’t claim to be a cold weather expert — after all, the farthest north I’ve lived is Charlotte, and while the temperatures reached freezing fairly regularly, snow was more of a rarity. But come ON. Houston has gone weather crazy this week, and it’s a little absurd.
Don’t get me wrong — it’s damn cold outside, unusually cold for this area. Temperature hovering right above freezing, and a wind chill of around 20. But after watching the news at various points throughout the weekend and yesterday, you’d think the apocalypse was upon us. They were probably disappointed to wake up this morning and see that we didn’t have ice on the roads.
That said, it’d a bit annoying that my employer can’t bring my office (or the cafeteria, for that matter) to a comfortable temperature. At the moment I’m thinking about putting on gloves, and my toes are chilly. I wore a sweater and that was a good idea. I had to leave my coat on during lunch.
This morning I also wore a hat and scarf. I figure if not today, then when? My aunt made me a scarf for Christmas. Not Christmas 2006 — Christmas 2005. Today I finally wore it for the first time. That made me laugh.
I feel your pain! I’ve worn my leather jacket and scarf in my office the entire day yesterday and today. How hard is it to heat the office????
I was disappointed that there was no ice this morning, but that’s just because I didn’t want to go to work today.
My name is Robert Key and I am a local runner in the Houston area. I recently ran the half-marathon in Houston with my son (his furthest race to date). I saw a post today of Vic’s where he had used an article I had written on my web site about advice for the USA 10 Miler back in October. I read his marathon post for Houston from Sunday, was blown away by it, then started reading links to other bloggers in our area, which is how I came across yours. My web site http://www.faithfulsoles.com is dedicated to inspiring, encouraging and motivating walkers, runners and athletes of all abilities, and I am in the process of developing a running blog search engine where people can find and read blogs that most closely fit their own ability and goals. I would be grateful if you would register a link to your running blog with my web site. From the home page, under “Free Features” in the lefthand column, just click on “Link your running blog”. Thanks.
I think the news stations blow the weather way out of proportion. Too much “if” and not enough reality. “If” I put any stock in their madness, I would have expected to see icicles yesterday morning…
I think the reason for all the madness is because this is not the normal weather for this area and when we do get it, we’re never prepared for it. I’m sure the same madness goes on up north during the “Heat Wave Temps of 100 degrees” whereas, here we are used to that and always prepared for it. Did that make sense?
Sarah- I just read this after doing my own short post on this weather craziness! We are definitely on the same page here! LOL!