If you are so inclined, you can once again track me as I run the Half Marathon on Sunday morning. If the setup is the same as in previous years, the cell phone update works pretty well, and you get my splits at — I think — the 5K, 10K, 9-mile, and finish.
I did a 5-miler last night pretty comfortably. I started out slow but sped up at the end.
5.07 miles – 55:17 – 10:54 average pace
Mile 1-2.9 – 11:26, 11:02, 9:53 (the Gilruth trail is 2.9 miles long)
Mile 3.9-5.07 – 10:54, 10:17, 1:42
The splits are confusing, I know. I had the Garmin set on auto-lap, but I also wanted to record my time for one full 2.9-mile lap on the trail. So I hit “lap” at 2.9 miles assuming that auto-lap would still catch the split at 3 miles. Not so. After that, it reset its mileage counter such that it took a split at 3.9 and 4.9.
Obviously I still have some more to learn about the Garmin. That dang thing is smarter than me!
In other news, I packed a lunch today for the first time in months. I am absurdly proud of this.
Great job on the 5-miler! WTG on packing your lunch..I just started doing this again too.