I built up a lot of stress built up between 12:00 and 5:00 yesterday. It started with our first flight-specific STS-117 ascent sim, which had a couple rough spots for me. Then I realized that the 117 TCDT (a joint activity with KSC) is scheduled for the Friday that I’m currently supposed to be in Colorado skiing, so I may have to change my plane ticket to come back early. Then I found out that one of my managers was mad that we didn’t change a procedure and set up an activity in advance of the 117 ILC (database check and simulator calibration) that we’re doing on Thursday.
All the little things were bothering me, but they suddenly seemed minor when my coworker dropped the shocking and horrible news that she has cancer. Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This is the girl who’s sat beside me in sims for more than a year, the girl that’s supposed to be sitting beside me in March when we launch STS-117. She starts chemo on Friday and next week if she can make it to our 2nd flight-specific ascent, she may not have any hair. She’s still hoping to work the flight in March, and I hope hope hope that she can. Her chances are very good — the doctors have said 80-90% survival — and the cancer has not made it into her bone marrow yet.
They discovered it during a routine physical at the end of November; she had no symptoms other than a very high white blood cell count. If that’s not incentive to get yearly physicals — even if you feel fine — then I don’t know what is.
You should get a physical. Yes, you.
So, when I went running yesterday, I felt like I was possessed. I was running to blow off so much steam.
The schedule said 2×400 @ 2:08, 3×800 @ 4:20, and another 2×400 @ 2:08. I did an abbreviated warmup (half a mile) and skipped the cooldown entirely due to, ahem, issues relating to the two facts that I have fat thighs and I forgot my bodyglide. The problems started around the end of my 1st 800.
Overall – 4.75 miles (Garmin said 4.6?), 52:17
800 warmup – 5:40
400 run / 400 recovery – 2:08 / 3:11
400 / 400 – 2:06 / 3:13
800 / 400 – 4:13 / 4:23
800 / 400 – 4:03 / 4:14
800 / 400 – 4:04 / 4:26
400 / 400 – 1:56 / 3:25
400 / 400 – 2:04 / 3:05
I couldn’t slow down. I tried, and couldn’t. Oh well.
Hey, speedy, that sounds like a fun workout. Hope you blew off some of that steam.
Sorry that your friend has to go thorough all that but her chances sound good. Thoughts and prayers, Vic.
Are you running on the Gilruth jogging trail that has several sharp turns through the trees?
If it’s the later, maybe try a high-school track instead? That has a better surface and its gradual turns will be easier on your joints.
We had a PIM coach for several seasons who is a Hodgkin’s survivor – now a runner, full time professional and new mom. Please pass our best wishes on to your friend.
On the workout front, why did I schedule you for speed last night? Brain cramp. Given that you took advantage and knocked it over beautifully.
And you do NOT, repeat NOT, have fat thighs. They are merely filled with thunder!
I dunno Steeeve, I had that same thought (“speedwork? this week?”) but I didn’t care, I felt like doing it. I don’t think it took too much out of me.