On days like these, I wonder what it feels like to be fast. I know that fast runners work just as hard as I do, if not harder, and that they push themselves to their limits just like I push myself (sometimes) to mine. But the fact remains that while fast might not be easy, it’s still fast. I wonder what it feels like to be Steve, or Edwin, or Sam. They can look at their schedules and think “hmm, 8 miles, that should take me about an hour.” I look at my schedule and think “hmm, 8 miles, I’ll be doing well if I can finish that in an hour and a half.”
One of the big reasons I haven’t decided to train for another marathon yet is that I remember fall 2004 all too well, and the feeling of doing nothing but work, eat, sleep, and run. And I wonder what it feels like to be fast. See, for a slow runner like me, I remember my long runs taking one hours…two hours…three hours…my longest run, a 22-miler, took 4+ hours.
I’m not complaining, really I’m not. It’s just that I had grand plans to clean my apartment today. But after getting up, eating some lunch, waiting to let the food settle, running, cooling down, showering, and eating again, it’s almost 6:00 and my apartment is just as messy as it was when I got up this morning. Being slow sucks for getting anything else done.
8.3 miles
10:49 min/mile (even with 11/1s ?!)
I ran my 8-miler on the Seabrook trails this afternoon, and passed dozens of people also out enjoying the beautiful weather. I was amazed by the 10:49 pace, enough that I checked my whole route via the Gmap pedometer. That turned up 8.2 miles, with me not following the route super-closely just to save some clicking.
The Garmin did well (yes I got one, see post below) and I liked having it. I haven’t read the owners manual yet, so I just left it on the default screen that showed total time, instantaneous pace, and total distance. The instantaneous pace calculation seemed a little flaky — it jumped around quite a bit, especially under tree cover. But overall I’m impressed. I love gadgets!
whoop for the Garmin. im jealous i only have the bottom of the barrel but i guess its all i really need.
and yeah i would like to be fast too, but i just dont think i am THAT girl ya know?
Ditch the current pace display. It probably works better with cycling but sucks for running. I just started using average pace instead of average lap pace. Average pace gives you your pace over the entire run. I still flip back to lap pace ever now and then. You’re gonna love it.
Yo Beckster, outstanding tune up run, you be way ready! I’ve put the cheeky chorus on permanent vacation.
I remember feeling like all I did was run eat and sleep when I trained for the half marathon. On days I did long runs – Sat. or Sun. – that would be all I did. I was just too tired to do anything else whatsoever.
Congrats on the Garmin! I know exactly how you feel about the fast runners…I often wonder what it’s like. Especially when I’m still on the out part of the out and back and they are heading back already!