My high school friends and I had our annual get-together this morning for brunch (which also served as lunch) at Amanda’s. It was my first chance to meet Cayce & Dave’s new baby, Henry! He turned 6 months old on Friday, though he’s a little, ahem, large for a 6 month old. Yep, he’s a big boy. Dave the dad’s efforts to get us to talk about something other than Henry and life with a baby were futile. Turns out it was pretty entertaining just watching Henry drool all over himself. Babies are funny.
I’m including this photo as proof for Gavin and Jen that I’m not totally freaked out by babies, and therefore can be trusted to take care of theirs when he/she comes along in 6 months or so:
He’s cute, isn’t he?
Jen says
Wow, he really is a big boy! I’m so used to seeing pictures of Caroline and she was/is tiny for her age.
What I wonder is just how long this generosity of babysitting spirit is going to last after the baby is born. 🙂
Cayce says
Henry’s so excited that he made the blog. I think his exact words were, “Phlbbbbt floooobt.” Then again, he had his whole fist in his mouth at the time…
Henry says
c bn gheq bgre hccccccccccccccch fv t gcv b t d
(Clearly, his favorite key is the spacebar. -Cayce)