It’s definitely Monday. The mist has returned, it’s all damp outside, I’m tired after yesterday’s run (despite a full 8 hours of sleep), and I had some work-related frustration this morning. It basically boils down to a project and relationship that I created and cultivated. This project was my baby. It’s one of the two truly important things that I feel like I accomplished during my four years in my old group.
But of course since I have finally moved to my new job, this project doesn’t fall under my job description anymore. It has passed on to others who don’t have the soft spot for it that I do. I find myself wanting to tell them “no, you’re not doing it right, you have to do it this way!” Of course it’s not my project anymore, and I suppose they can run it in whatever manner they see fit. But the guys we worked with, and the guys that get the information, still need it and want it. And I don’t want them to be disappointed.
It’s an odd position to find myself in. This is probably how Gavin felt every time I procrastinated on the Mars work. Which was often.
It was a pretty quiet weekend, except for my long run and a few errands. I got a haircut on Saturday, breaking my rule of not driving anywhere near the highway anytime in December. Oh well. My hair looked quite pretty for the rest of Saturday, but sadly by Sunday it was back to its normal poof and frizz. I finally did all my Christmas shopping as well — thank goodness for the internet. I don’t know why people even bother going to malls anymore.
By the way, my mom says that if she’s to blame for my spelling and grammar nit-pickiness (as explained a couple posts ago), then it’s a title she’s proud to wear. As I knew she would.
Will you be sportin’ your new doo on the Longest Long Run this weekend?