I did a 5.15-mile run this evening as the sun was setting. Total time was 55:55, or just under 11:00/mile. Here in Charlotte with the hills, I consider that a tempo run!
Despite the pace, I still felt pretty sluggish and generally tired. Not sure what’s going on, but I think I’ve been dehydrated and that could be causing part of it. With a 14-miler (my longest long run) coming up on Saturday, I plan to spend tomorrow chugging water! But my reward for the 14-miler is going to be pretty great: Jose is coming to Charlotte on Saturday night, and sticking around until we both head back to Houston on the 2nd.
Question of the day: should I use my Christmas money to buy a Garmin Forerunner 305, or should I be a good girl and save it? If you know me at all, you can probably already predict what the outcome of this is going to be…
Tonight I set up the new computer my dad bought a few weeks ago and got it up and running; he waited specifically until I was home so I could do it all for him. I insisted that he could do it himself (and he could) — I don’t want my parents thinking they can’t handle computers — and he knows that he could do it. He said I could just do it a lot faster because I know my way around better. That’s probably true. My dad is very meticulous when it comes to setting up things, especially computers.
My mom and I did a little more shopping today, and got exceptional service from Circuit City (for a car stereo installation in my sister’s car) and from Eddie Bauer (which gave me store credit for a jacket I bought two months ago that the zipper fell off of last week, thus allowing me to order a new one). I don’t know why I mention it, except that customer service is on the decline in so many places that it really stands out when a particular store or salesman is helpful.
Gar-min! Gar-min! Gar-min!!!
I’m like you on the customer service thing. If I ever get good service, I tell everybody. It really makes my day.
save it! save it!