I decided that I need to be held accountable for my running to someone other than myself. As such, I finally asked Steeeve for some help in getting me prepared for the half marathon. He responded within hours with a complete plan for the next six weeks, modified for moi. How can I argue with that kind of attention?
He also said that he will leave cheeky comments on my blog if it appears that I’m not running, and I wouldn’t want that, so: today I ran 3 miles. I ran 2 out-and-backs, and post-run I discovered it was actually more like 3.15 miles. It was chilly, so I wore a long sleeve shirt, capri pants, and gloves. I was cold for the first mile, but ok after that. The cold weather always affects my lungs a bit — not right away, but for the rest of the day. I’ve been coughing a little since I got back an hour ago. This is pretty normal for me.
I ran at a decent pace, but not hard enough that I wanted to take any walk breaks or anything. I covered the 3.15 miles in 32:58 (10:26/mile). I think I was supposed to be going slower, but I really felt ok. And how’s this for splits — 16:30 for the first out-and-back, 16:28 for the second. It’s rare that I’m that consistent. Anyway, Steeeve will chime in below if I need to slow down.
Tomorrow is 8 miles. I’ll certainly be going slower then.
I’ll post some cheeky comments, too, if you want. Let me know.
Me too!
Beckster’s off to a flying start! Now there’s pressure for you, a whole Grecian Chorus of cheeky commenters ready to pounce on you :-O
Cheeky comments coming to a location near you!