Admission time: my preparation for the half marathon (in five weeks) has sucked. My longest run is the slow 11-miler I did with June and Erica a month ago. Other than that, my longest run is a 10K, and my most recent long run was the 8.33K I did at the 25K relay almost three weeks ago.
The 11-miler was done at a slower pace than my normal long run pace. The 5-6 milers were done at what would be a great race pace for me, but I’ve got to be able to maintain it longer.
So my dilemma is as follows: how the heck to do I effectively prepare to cover the distance in anything less than 2:30 in five weeks, while also accounting for the fact that I can be quite the lazy one when it comes to motivating myself to get out the door, and for the fact that life is busy?
Comments and suggestions more than welcome.
In the meantime, everybody cross your fingers that we get some good weather at Cape Canaveral tonight! I’ve been working like crazy for the past couple days following Marc around and doing everything he does, but if the weather doesn’t cooperate, we don’t go. And at the moment, the weather’s not looking great for a shuttle launch…
11 miles is more than adequate prep for a half marathon.
If you have five weekends and then the marathon, run 10 miles for 3 of the next 5 weekends, then 8 miles, then 6 miles. During the first 3 weeks, do at least 30 miles in the week, then taper to 25 miles, then 15 miles in the last week.
If you have only four weekends, take out one of the 10 milers.