Last night was the coldest night this fall (it got down to ~45 degrees), and of course we had to play a softball double-header. After 4+ years here, I’m afraid that I’ve lost any small amount of cold-resistance that I ever had. It was 55 degrees and windy vduring softball, and I was cold! We had a good night though, winning one game and losing one. Any night we come away with a win is a good night.
This week has worn me out. I have little motivation to do anything this afternoon.
It was cold yesterday but this morning! WHOA! really cold! But nice for a change. Relax this weekend and get some energy back! Im headin to Galveston for the Bike Rally.
Have fun..
Yep, I have no cold resistance and living here all my life I’ve never got used to the heat and humidity.