I’m feeling better about what I have on my plate. See, I kept telling myself that not only did I need to read 300+ hours of material, but I needed to retain all of it. Yes, I know it sounds silly to say that I don’t actually need to remember what I read, but what I mean is that I don’t need to remember every nitty gritty little detail. That’s why it’s written down. That’s why we have manuals and checklists and procedures and handbooks. I just need to start getting the basic concepts, and the rest will follow.
JD, I did exactly as you suggested and went for a run last night. Unfortunately it wasn’t a great run, but a run is a run and I’m counting it. I wasn’t prepared for the wind (gusts up to 60 mph!) or the chill, so I ran inside on the treadmill. That’s probably the cause of the blah-ness. Treadmill runs are no fun. I ran 3.5 miles at a very leisurely pace, finishing in about 40:00. Today I’m better prepared for the weather and the wind has calmed down, so hopefully I’ll hit the Gilruth trail after work.
Something’s broken with the HARRA website’s Google Maps hack. Google upgraded something, and I have to figure out how to make it work again. This is easier said than done, considering I have no real web coding expertise. Hmph. Hopefully people will be patient with me, but I feel a lot of pressure to get it back up and running.
This afternoon I’m giving a presentation to a group of work people about the collaboration we’ve done and now do with the FAA during shuttle entries. That’s one task I’ll miss now that I’ve moved down the hall. The FAA guys were fun and funny, and the work was cool.