Yesterday, I sat at my desk as it got darker and darker and darker. I kept peeking out the window, expecting the bottom to drop out at any moment. It kept getting darker and darker. Just when I thought that somehow the black clouds would pass without releasing a drop, it began to pour. According to the weather station atop the building I work in, the temperature dropped 15 degrees in about 10 minutes, from a heat index of 84 to an actual temperature of 69!
(By the way, those of you obsessively checking the weather for Sunday’s 10-miler need look no farther than that that webpage, or this one. The Spaceflight Meteorology Group and Nassau Bay are both about a mile away from the race course.)
With the drop in temperature, last night’s run was awesome. Jose and I started out easy with two 12:00 miles; he listened while I ranted about height/weight tables. At mile 2, we walked for 1:10, then started running. I was being a little sneaky, and decided to push things. By 2.5, he could tell we were going faster, but we kept going. We finished mile 3 in a total of 11:05. And that included the 1:10 of walking. Jose was very excited to have maintained sub-11:00 pace for almost a mile. (And I was too!) Total time for the lovely run was 35:something.
Sweet!! WTG, Jose!!!
Ok, so June and I keep going back and forth on this. On a forecast for say, Sunday, is the low for Sunday early morning shown for Saturday or sunday. In other words. When it says the low on Saturday is 64, is that overnight, early am on Sunday? or early am on Saturday?
Sunday runs midnight to midnight. So early morning temps are included in *Sunday’s* forecast. So you should look at the low for Sunday. Unless it’s not there — I just went and looked at the Nassau Bay forecast, and since it only lists Sunday and Sunday night, in *that* case I’d look at the Saturday night forecast.
To clear up any confusion — says 67 degrees for 7:00 a.m. Sunday.
Like the wunderground site. Thanks.
Cool site. I have been addicted to to see what’s happening in Chicago. BTW, height/weight charts SUCK!
i can live with 67….
way to go on sneaky snakin’ jose!
Yea, I thought it was gonna be lights out here in the blgd when the rain came thru. Cant wait till tonight and this weekend for the low temps!!!!!