There are days when I get too far inside my own head and my thoughts run away and I end up stressed out and worried about things I can’t control. Yesterday was one of those days.
See, I feel like I’m stuck in limbo. I was selected for my new job more than two months ago, and the initial excitement is starting to wear off primarily because I haven’t actually started my new job yet. I’m scheduled to move on October 17, but that date hasn’t been confirmed yet. Meanwhile, my old job is winding down. I have only one project left to complete and one training flow to finish.
(Side note: I am tentatively scheduled for my cert qual and my final cert, and they are both before Thanksgiving. That seems REALLY SOON. In fact, I think it may be too soon. But if I don’t certify by the end of the year, I don’t get to work STS-117, and certifying by the end of the year really means certifying by the time STS-116 launches which is currently set for December 7. All of a sudden, my heart is pounding. Whew.)
Anyway. New job hasn’t started, old job is pretty much finished. I’m in limbo. I don’t like it. Being stuck in limbo makes me start thinking thoughts like: “what if I get to my new job and I don’t like it? What if I leave this so-so job for another one that isn’t any better? What if what if WHAT IF?”
Thankfully, last night I had a 3-mile run and an awesome running partner to stop the head-spinning and calm me down. We did my standard 3 miles on the Gilruth trail in a very easy 37:11. My legs hurt again, which for the first time made me wonder — is it the Gilruth trail that’s giving me problems? Is it not exactly flat? Maybe it’s sloped? I know my shin split/leg problems have occurred in other places, but lately, they’ve hurt only on that trail. On Saturday, I had no problems at either Race for the Cure or the cross country relay.
Finished? Um, let me know when you’re finished. :p
You must have missed this part Gavin:
“Meanwhile, my old job is winding down. I have only ONE PROJECT left to finish…”
Yeah, the long stretch along the road is pretty bad (sloped). I stopped running at Gilruth because I thought it was causing my knees to hurt too.