Summer is having its last gasp, and it is muggy like you would not believe outside. I can hardly stand it; I swear it feels worse than parts of August. Condensation is running down the windows.
I went running last night…outside. Yes, outside. It was so muggy that I was very tempted to run on the treadmill, but I reminded myself that some heat-running is good for me. Plus, I just really didn’t want to run on the dreadmill.
Boy, was running a struggle! My legs felt dead (maybe due to the 5 miles on Sunday??) and the mugginess was oppressive. I decided to just take it easy, and ran 3 miles in a plodding 34:50. My fastest mile was the last one at 11:05; I’m obviously one of those runners who needs a mile or two to sufficiently warm up. Good news is that I mentally chided myself such that I only took one 1-minute walking break, after one mile. It seems silly that I keep taking the walking breaks during short runs when I know that I don’t physically need them. My half marathon plan is to do what has worked three times before and only walk through water stations. I can’t run and drink at the same time anyway.
There’s not much to say about yesterday since I did nothing but work and run. After developing a headache around 9:00, I crashed at 10:30, which was just as well because I had to get up before 6 today. I’m in the middle of my 13.5 hour day and doing ok so far. I was in at 6:30 for a sim load checkout for the upcoming mission, which lasted until 12:30 and got us “reprimanded” by the training guys for taking too long. Nevermind the fact that sometimes things just take that long, and this is our one chance to check out most of our data, but that’s a story for another day. Break for lunch, checking email, and preparing for the afternoon. At 3:00 I’m back in the control center for an ascent sim, my last sim before my cert qual on Halloween. (A cert qual is like a pre-final.)
The control center is windowless and dim; time gets all screwed up and seems to either slow or stop. Either way, time becomes a bit meaningless. I came to work in the dark and I will leave in the dark.
The muggyness is CRAZY! Rather run in the rain than the muggy.
The darkness is going to me my training haven till Spring, sux, but have already accepted it.
You signing up for LoneStar on Nov 1st?
Rockon Sarah…
Sarah, I really crashed in the humidity this morning. I can’t figure out why it effects me like it does. It just feels like a big thumb pressing down on me.
I hope that last gasp of summer turns into a death rattle! Summer be gone!!!