I’ve become one of those people who’s always late.
To be honest, I must admit that I have always been one of those people who’s 3-5 minutes late. I have some mental block against showing up too early. But now, oh, now it’s gotten worse. Jose, you see, is also a chronically late person. If I’m 3-5 minutes behind, he’s 15-20. Together, our powers combine to make us late all the time. I’ve got to put a stop to this.
In other news, we all know that models are heavily made up and Photoshopped before they appear in a magazine or ad, but this movie really hammers that point home.
Good movie.
I used to always be early (at least 10-15 minutes) but in the last year I have started running late all the time. It seems like no matter what I do I always end up 5 and sometimes 10 minutes late and although I don’t like it, it is happening all the time.