Happy Halloween!
The owl cookies made it to work successfully today. I sent out an email to a ton of people inviting them to come have one, and also informing them that the cookies will be traveling to the control center at 2:30 as part of my totally-not-subtle attempt to bribe my evaluators during my Cert Qual this afternoon.
Yes, today is the day. My big evaluation (I’m thinking of it as Part 1 of a two-part final, and if I don’t do well on Part 1, then Part 2 gets indefinitely delayed) is this afternoon. Wish me luck!
Registration opens tomorrow for the Lone Star Half Ironman. I’m probably going to register.
Good luck. You’re gonna do great, Sarah. After all, you ARE a rocket scientist.
Good Luck! You can do it! BTW, love those cookies!
Luck! But I am sure you do not need it!!
Oh, God. Registration opens tomorrow!! HELP!!
Good luck! I’m sure you’ll do faaaaabulous.
Good Luck! Can’t wait to hear how it went.