For weeks, I’ve had allergy symptoms that I’ve been trying to ignore because I have never had allergies in my entire life. Apparently, after 4+ years of living in Houston and 8+ years of spending at least part of my year here, I have now become allergic to the place. I woke up this morning and could no longer deny it, as my nose was dripping incessantly and I couldn’t stray from the kleenex box. I finally took a Benedryl Allergy, which seems to actually be working.
Stupid Houston.
I had dinner last night at Mediterraneo’s, and somehow I always end up with so much food there. Last night I had baba ganoush (or however you spell it), lentil soup, greek salad, and a kofta kabab. It was all so yummy, and it was the perfect night to sit outside. They have strings of lights up around their patio that are red, white, and green; the color combination made me feel like it was December, not October.
I saw an ad once — I can’t remember what it was for — with a headline that went something like “Bad Laundry Weeks are Good Running Weeks.” It is so true. I’m always doing laundry.
Confession time: I haven’t run farther than a 5K since late August. Sure, there was the day I did both Race for the Cure and the XC Relay (5.1 miles total), but there were 8 hours between the two. But on Sunday I’m running 5 miles in one pop as Debbie and I join forces for the 2×5-mile relay at the USA 10-Miler. (Team name: Crackle, Snap, but Please No Pop! in honor of our knees.)
So last night I decided to tackle 4 miles out at Gilruth. Jose ran with me for the first mile and then I set out on my own. For the first two miles, I just was not feeling it. Mile 1 with J passed in 12:15; we took a walk break of just over a minute then I headed off again. I hit mile 2 with the exact same split — 12:15. I was discouraged, and took another minute-long walk break, but was determined to just get the distance covered.
Around mile 2.25, I spotted a woman up ahead of me turn around and head back to Gilruth. (My 4-mile route is an out-and-back, so I’d turned around.) I see her out there a lot; she’s one of the 5-6 “regulars” on the trail. She was turning around just beyond the 1.5-mile marker, and I had started to feel a bit better so I decided that I’d try to catch her. I didn’t think I’d have much of a chance, since she was probably 0.15-0.2 miles ahead of me and running at approximately my pace.
Mile 3 passed in 11:11 (which cheered me up). I had gained a bit on the woman, but stopped for my standard 1-minute walk break. As I started up again, I decided that she was still within reach, and I was determined to catch her in the last mile. And…I did it! I passed her with about a tenth of a mile left to go. My time for the last mile, including walking the first minute? 10:18! Wow!
My overall time for the 4-miler was 45:59, which is sort of crappy, but I was pumped about the last mile. The 10:18 felt hard, but not all-out. It made me start wondering what my time trial mile would be if I made it out to one of the SMART workouts. With help, I think I could be very close to 9:00, maybe even under. I’m sure Steeeve can leave a comment telling me when the next one is…
The other thing I decided is that I think I’ve developed a mental block. My brain keeps telling me I need a walk break every mile. I didn’t in the past. I probably don’t now. And yet, if I can do 10:18 miles even with walking breaks, I don’t mind them too much…
Agree, I’m confident you could run a mile under 9 minutes. Reminder, when you do it, it’s proper form to report your resulting pace as “8 something” (truncate race pace and times, round training distances up).
The mile time trial is a blast. Whatever you think you may can do the first time, I think you’ll surprise yourself.
U can Do it!!
Just remember keep having fun. And your right, Laundry = Good Runs/workouts.