You know how sometimes one of the bumps (tastebuds?) on your tongue gets all inflamed and swollen? And it’s really tender and sends a jolt of sensitivity through your mouth when it scrapes against your teeth? But somehow you just can’t stop scraping it against your teeth??
It’s bugging me to no end. Plus, I’m sniffly. Plus, my throat is prickly and I’m starting to feel very fuzzy-headed.
I predict a cold. And working 12 hours today (I was in early to meet with astronauts and am staying late for a sim) is not going to help.
I need to run 6-7 miles on Sunday to convince myself that I can handle the USA 10-Miler. (Note that my goal for the 10-Miler is just to cover the distance.) Please harass me if I don’t do my long run!
OMG. That’s so funny. You described the tastebud bumpy thing to a tee.
We’re running 12 on Sunday, various paces, if you want to join us. We’re heading out from Memorial towards downtown. Plenty of places to turn around if you’re shooting for 6-8. Breakfast afterwards.
I may join you, Vic. What time?
yay! sarah i think vic is starting around 6:10 or 6:15 and i am starting at 6:30am. we figured he would start ahead of me since we are different on paces. then we’re gonna eat at Biba’s for breakfast!
Take Cold-eeze now to beat back that cold!
Yeah, June’s right. You’d probably run the same pace as June. I’m going to start a little after 6. June’s starting around 6:30. Then meet back for breakfast. Join us!!!