Tonight I have a midterm. Seriously! I know I’m not taking any classes, but that’s what it is — my midterm.
I’ve been training for this backroom flight control position for about 8 months now, and it’s time to assess my progress, so tonight from 5-9 I will be slogging through my ARD Support Midpoint. It’s also a Targeting Final and a Control Final. That basically means that there’s going to be a whole lot of crap going wrong during our fake shuttle launches tonight.
Wish me luck!
Good luck tonight! You’ll do fine.
And remember, its just a midpoint, you’re supposed to screw up, otherwise it would be a final
You’re going to do great. Stephanie said, “man, daddy, Sarah’s smart!”
OK, I guess. You’re excused from the Strider Meeting. But, if you finish your midterm early head on over.
Seriously, good luck!
LOL Vic. If only she knew how dumb I often feel!
how did it go?