I shall from now on refer to STS-115 as the “Will They, Won’t They?” shuttle mission.
Lightning strike. Hurricane. What’s next? Locusts?
So we decide to roll back to the VAB. We drain the fuel tanks and disconnect the shuttle from all the stuff at the pad. We leave the launch pad and get halfway back to the VAB…
Wait! Maybe the winds won’t be that bad. Stop — reverse.
We are now heading back to the launch pad.
Will we? Won’t we?
i’m doing security stuff and its making me crazy– I spent the last 2 days at JSC and got nothing accomplished due to “will we, won’t we” meetings! Bah!!
We don’t have locusts in Florida, so I would put my money on LoveBugs.
Perhaps a swarm of LoveBugs will position themselves at the entry door of the cockpit for 2 weeks.