Happy Birthday Carter!
Edit: And Holden!
I guess there’s nothing like getting thrown back into the fire to make you get over your bad day. I had another sim this morning, a FDO/Booster, which means that all sorts of craziness happens. Though it wasn’t nearly as tough as Tuesday night, it was still challenging, and I did pretty well.
One of the most interesting aspects of working in the control center has nothing to do with flight control though — it’s the interesting and/or famous people that pass through. This morning I looked up on the TV that shows the front room (which is about 20 feet from where I sit) to see Buzz Aldrin wandering around with a couple camera guys. He was in the room for about 20 minutes and basically debriefed our last run for the cameras; I think it was for NASA TV or something. As I walked past the door on my way to the coffee, I glanced in the doorway and yep. Buzz Aldrin.
It’s my birthday too!!!
The question really is, why didn’t he stroll through the MPSR?
An excellent question Michelle!
I think it would be really cool to meet Buzz Lightyear .. but that’s just me!
the crazy thing is… that anyone recognizes buzz aldrin. was he played by tom hanks or gary sinese? just kidding.
yay me!!!